The Quest Begins (or, Why I Quit My Master's Degree)

October 11, 2014

First, an important disclaimer (yes, those exist): The purpose of this post is not to convince you to quit your own degree program or to point out problems with higher education. This post is about my personal journey to become more self-directed. If you find yourself relating to my story, and want to follow a similar path, go for it! However, if you are currently part of a masters or any other program, and plan to continue, please do not think that I’m trying to convince you otherwise. You have your story, I have mine. And here it is:

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Concerning the Quest

October 01, 2014

One month ago, I made the rather big decision (at least for me) to quit my masters program and embark on a new but life-long quest to become a wholy self-educated person. Through this blog, I plan to document what I’m learning about self-directed learning. I look forward to sharing and swapping insights with you and hope to become resource to those who may be on this journey with me.

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